sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010

Scuba diving and hotel information.

The webster region of El Salvador has the most attractive site for scuba divers, Los Cobanos the largest rocky reef of the north of the Pacific and the marine biological corridor between Mexico and the South America is located here.
scuba diving activities take place at approximately 5 kilometers in the open sea with depths from 20 to 30 meters for about 5 hours.

The diving lovers enjoy come to Los Cobanos because in addition of the diversity of the marine life of these coral formations they can look for the remains of ships from the 19th Century

At Los Cobanos you can find an excellent selection of lodging services that go from international hotels chains, villages complexs, lodging with golf courses and charming hotels like "Los Cobanos Lodge"

For more information:

>El Salvador Divers
call: (503) 2264-0961/ 2264-1843/ Fax: 2264-1842
email: esdivers@elsalvador.com
web: www.elsalvadordivers.com

call: (503) 22636931
email: oceanica@salnet.net

>Los Cobanos Village Lodge
call: (503) 2420-5248/ 2260-5785/ 7887-1308
web: www.loscobanos.com
email: jrsuarezh@gmail.com
address: Playa los Cobanos,
comunidad Punta Remedios,
Acajutla, Sonsonate

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